Jan '14
Happy New Year
I'm a little late in getting this post up but...Happy New Year! The start of a new year marks a time when we all reflect on our goals and plans for the coming months ahead. A new year imparts the feeling of a fresh start, where new opportunities abound. It's no accident that the New Year is announced around the world with tremendous fanfare (fireworks, the ball drop in New York City, and confetti included)! All of us rejoice at the chance of starting anew and exercising the exemplary potential that each and every one of us is capable of.
It's been some time since I've posted anything new online (my blog and website included)! That will change soon though! Like many people, I've taken some time to set my own goals for 2014. Some of which include:
- A redesign and restructure of my website.
- Update my portfolio with new pieces.
- Work on a new picture book dummy.
- Maintain a sketchbook more regularly.
While these are just a few goals that I've set for the new year, it's important for all of us to take this time to reflect on what we envision will foster happiness and success in our own personal lives.
2014 will be an exciting year! I'll be posting on my blog more frequently to share the latest news regarding The A.P. Sabourin Studio (and there will be a lot!).
With the new year already well under way, make sure to take chances, push yourself to the limits, continue to pursue your dreams, and always take some time to appreciate what surrounds you. I hope that each and every one of us has a wonderful 2014!